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Mounts, Texture, & Flexibility In Palmistry

Palmistry, for many, revolves around the intricate lines that snake across our palms. While they indeed play a significant role, focusing solely on them might mean missing out on a treasure trove of information. The mounts, skin texture, and hand flexibility, often deemed secondary by novices, are vital components in offering a holistic hand analysis.

article by Nora Pennington

Mounts: The Hills & Valleys Of Personality

The mounts of the hand, those raised flesh mounds beneath each finger and at the base of the palm, serve as windows to our dominant traits. Named after celestial bodies, each mount resonates with specific characteristics.

  • Mount of Venus (Thumb Base): Reflects one's passion, love, and sensuality. A well-developed Venus mount indicates a person full of vitality, while its deficiency might point towards a lack of empathy or fear of intimacy.
  • Mount of Jupiter (Index Finger Base): Symbolizes ambition, leadership, and spirituality. A pronounced Jupiter mount suggests a natural leader.
  • Mount of Saturn (Middle Finger Base): Represents wisdom, responsibility, and solitude. Those with a prominent Saturn mount tend to be analytical and introspective.
  • Mount of Apollo (Ring Finger Base): Associated with creativity, confidence, and the quest for fame. A well-developed Apollo mount can be seen in artists or public figures.
  • Mount of Mercury (Little Finger Base): Denotes communication skills, intelligence, and business acumen. A pronounced Mercury mount is often found in successful entrepreneurs.

Skin Texture: The Canvas Of Sensitivity & Worldview

The texture of the skin on one's palm isn't just a dermatological concern. In palmistry, it sheds light on an individual's sensitivity and general outlook.

  1. Fine, Soft Skin: Indicates heightened sensitivity and intuition. Such individuals are often empathetic and can be easily affected by their surroundings.
  2. Rough, Coarse Skin: Suggests a practical and earthy nature. These individuals are more grounded and robust, rarely swayed by emotions.

Hand Flexibility: Gauging Adaptability & Rigidity

The flexibility of a hand, especially when trying to bend the fingers backward, reveals a lot about a person's adaptability.

  • Flexible Hand: Individuals with flexible hands are often adaptable, open-minded, and receptive to change. They tend to go with the flow, making the most of the situations they find themselves in.
  • Stiff Hand: Points towards a more rigid, set-in-their-ways personality. These individuals value tradition and consistency, often resisting rapid changes.

While the lines on our palm receive the lion's share of attention, a comprehensive hand analysis would be incomplete without considering the mounts, skin texture, and flexibility. By appreciating these overlooked aspects, one can gain a fuller, more nuanced understanding of personality, potential, and predilections.

Published: 10/30/2023

Modified: 11/9/2023

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