Meditation Techniques: A Handbook - The Articles on Meditation
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Meditation Techniques: A Handbook

Discover the breadth of meditation methods to enhance your wellness journey.

article by Hina Kurosawa

Mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist teachings and is prominently embraced in Western therapeutic practices. It's deeply focused on 'being present,' encouraging practitioners to observe their thoughts without engagement or judgment. This practice is adaptable; whether you're seated, walking, or engaged in daily activities, mindfulness can be incorporated. It encourages awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they occur. Astrologically in 2024, as Neptune moves through Pisces, mindfulness can help many to navigate heightened sensitivities and find calm within the cosmic whirl.


Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a trademarked form of silent mantra meditation, originated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This technique involves the use of a personalized mantra and is practiced for 20 minutes twice daily while sitting with closed eyes. It's intended to promote a state of relaxed awareness and allow participants to transcend ordinary thinking. As Jupiter enters Aries in 2024, individuals can use TM to harness its pioneering energy for personal growth and exploration.


Guided Visualization, or Guided Imagery, involves forming mental images that simulate or recreate the sensory perception. During this type of meditation, individuals visualize a specific scene, object, or experience in detail, often guided by a recording or instructor. This method can be particularly powerful for manifesting desires, with Pluto's upcoming transition into Aquarius in 2024 bringing a collective focus on innovation and dreams of the future.


Zen Meditation, also known as Zazen, is a form of seated meditation that is a cornerstone of Zen Buddhism. Practitioners sit in a lotus or half-lotus position and focus on the breath, observing the thoughts without attachment. With Saturn entering Pisces in 2024, the disciplined structure of Zazen can help practitioners to gain mental clarity, fostering resilience amidst Saturnian challenges.


Yoga offers a diverse range of meditation practices, including Kundalini, Chakra, and Kriya Yoga. Each of these combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to achieve a harmonious mind-body state. With the continuous dance of Mars through the zodiac in 2024, engaging in yoga meditation can help channel Mars' dynamic energy into constructive personal empowerment and balanced action.

Metta, or Loving Kindness Meditation, cultivates an attitude of love and kindness towards everything, even one's enemies and sources of stress. While reciting specific words and phrases, practitioners open up their heart chakra to emit a more significant, positive energy outward. As Venus graces each sign in 2024, practicing Metta can enhance interpersonal relationships and promote a loving, compassionate atmosphere in line with Venusian harmony.

Chanting and Mantra Meditation leverage the vibrational quality of certain sounds to clear the mind and promote a sense of peace. In this practice, a repetitive sound or phrase may be internally or vocalized. This can prove particularly resonant while Mercury traverses the signs in 2024, facilitating clear communication and enhancing connectivity with oneself and the greater cosmos.

Qi Gong and Tai Chi are ancient Chinese practices that combine meditation with slow, graceful movements and controlled breathing exercises. They are believed to help the flow of Qi (energy) through the body. These practices align with the slow-moving outer planets' transitions in 2024 and may help synchronize personal energy with the changing tides of these planetary influences.

Published: 12/20/2023

Modified: 12/21/2023

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