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Autogenic Training: Self-Induced Relaxation

In our modern, fast-paced world, stress has become a common affliction, affecting both mental and physical health. Autogenic Training, a relaxation technique developed in the early 20th century by Johannes Schultz, offers a respite from the chaos of everyday life. This self-relaxation method, grounded in the principles of self-hypnosis and passive concentration, empowers individuals to induce a state of deep relaxation. It's particularly effective for those seeking a non-pharmacological approach to stress management, enhancing both mental and physical well-being through regular practice.

article by Hina Kurosawa

The Principles of Autogenic Training

Autogenic Training operates on the premise that physical relaxation can significantly influence mental states. This technique leverages the mind-body connection to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm. It involves a series of exercises that encourage a focus on physical sensations, such as heaviness and warmth in various parts of the body. This process of self-suggestion and passive concentration guides the mind towards a deeply relaxed state, gradually reducing stress levels and promoting an overall sense of peace.


Autogenic Training Exercises

Autogenic Training involves six standard exercises, each designed to relax different parts of the body. The first exercise focuses on heaviness in the limbs, where you repeat phrases like "My arms and legs are very heavy" to induce a sense of physical relaxation. The second involves warmth in the limbs, using phrases like "My arms and legs are very warm." The third and fourth exercises focus on heart rate and breathing, using phrases that encourage a calm and regular rhythm. The fifth exercise involves focusing on abdominal warmth, and the sixth on cooling the forehead. Each step is repeated several times, deepening the sense of relaxation.

Getting Started with Autogenic Training

To begin Autogenic Training, create a peaceful environment where you can relax without interruption. Comfort is key; choose a position that feels natural and restful, whether it's sitting or lying down. Start by focusing on your breathing, letting it become slow and steady. As you enter a relaxed state, begin to direct your attention to different parts of your body. The goal is to focus passively, without exerting mental effort, allowing relaxation to occur naturally. Regular practice, even for just a few minutes each day, can lead to significant improvements in stress management and relaxation.

The Autogenic Sequence

The sequence of Autogenic Training is carefully structured to deepen relaxation progressively. After initially focusing on the heaviness of the limbs, practitioners move to concentrate on sensations of warmth, particularly in the arms and legs. This is followed by attention to the heartbeat, breathing, and abdominal warmth. Finally, practitioners focus on cooling the forehead, which is often associated with mental relaxation and clarity. Each step builds on the previous one, creating a comprehensive relaxation experience that encompasses both body and mind.

Benefits of Autogenic Training

The benefits of Autogenic Training extend beyond simple relaxation. Regular practitioners often report improved sleep quality, reduced anxiety, and better stress management. This technique can also be beneficial in managing chronic pain and improving concentration and focus. By fostering a deep sense of relaxation, Autogenic Training can enhance overall emotional balance and contribute to long-term well-being.

Incorporating Autogenic Training into Daily Life

Integrating Autogenic Training into your daily routine can be profoundly beneficial. Consistent practice, ideally twice a day, helps solidify the relaxation response and makes it more readily accessible in times of stress. Morning sessions can energize and prepare you for the day, while evening sessions can help decompress and promote restful sleep. The flexibility of this technique allows it to be adapted to various schedules and needs, making it a practical tool for modern life.


Autogenic Training offers a powerful and accessible tool for self-induced relaxation. By practicing these techniques, individuals can take an active role in managing their stress and enhancing their overall quality of life. The simplicity and effectiveness of Autogenic Training make it an ideal practice for anyone looking to reduce stress and find a deeper sense of peace in their daily life.

Published: 11/22/2023

Modified: 11/22/2023

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