The Meanings of Tarot Numbers - The Articles on Astrology
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The Meanings of Tarot Numbers

Delve into the significance of numbers in tarot for greater insight and understanding in readings.

article by Priya Deshmukh

Numerology in Tarot

Numbers carry their own energy and symbolism in the mystical world of tarot. Numerology, a key component in interpreting the tarot, offers a layer of depth to the understanding of the cards. Many readers incorporate numerological significance to add clarity and nuance to their readings. In tarot, each number has a specific meaning, influencing the message of the card and the guidance it provides. Whether it's about beginnings, growth, or completion, numbers play a crucial role in deciphering the narrative the cards are telling.


Numbers One to Ten Decoded

The numbers from one to ten in tarot resonate with distinct universal concepts. The number one often stands for new beginnings, individuality, and self-leadership, as evident in the Ace cards of each suit. Two signifies balance, partnership, and duality, while three points to creativity, growth, and collaboration. Four is the number of stability, order, and structure. Continuing this progression, five signals conflict or change, and six suggests harmony, problem-solving, and healing. Seven is associated with reflection, assessment, and spiritual consciousness. Eight speaks of power, action, and momentum. Nine represents fulfillment, wisdom, and solitude. Lastly, ten often symbolizes completion, the end of a cycle, and ultimate outcomes.

Court Cards and Master Numbers

In addition to the numbered cards, tarot includes Court Cards and Master Numbers that enhance readings. The Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings each correspond to a number in numerology, adding layers of personality and experience to the traditional number meanings. Master Numbers—such as 11, associated with the Justice card, and 22, linked to The Fool in some traditions—carry heightened vibrations and profound spiritual insights into one's journey and life purpose.


Influence of Astrology on Numbers

Astrological influences enrich tarot numerology, adding a celestial dimension to the interpretations. Each number can relate to a zodiac sign or planet, providing guidance that's relevant and synchronistic with astrological forecasts post-2024. For example, ones may resonate with Aries' pioneering spirit, while twos embody the Libran quest for harmony. This integration of astrology and tarot numerology creates a robust framework for understanding potential outcomes and personal growth.


Number Syncs in Readings

When multiple cards of the same number appear, this number sync triggers a heightened alert to its meaning. A spread with several fours, for instance, could be emphasizing the need for stable foundations before progressing. These synchronicities can serve as affirmations or warnings, guiding the querent towards a path of awareness and proactive decision-making.

Numbers in Daily Life

Integrating the knowledge of tarot numbers into daily life can offer continuous guidance and reflection. Recognizing patterns in numbers around you can bring attention to underlying messages or affirmations. A proactive reader can tune into these vibrations, understanding that each day's numerological energy aligns with the cosmic pulse, especially pertinent from 2024 onwards, where the collective consciousness is reaching new heights of spiritual awakening.

Published: 12/15/2023

Modified: 12/15/2023

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