The Lattice of Tarot Numerology - The Articles on Astrology
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The Lattice of Tarot Numerology

Dive deep into the mystical correlation between Tarot and numerology, and how numbers can illuminate the path to understanding oneself and the cosmos.

article by Priya Deshmukh

The Symbiosis of Tarot and Numbers

The Tarot deck is not just a collection of images but a structured system of symbols and numbers. Each card holds a specific numerical value, from the Major Arcana's Fool, card 0, to The World, card 21, signifying the completion of a cycle. The Minor Arcana cards are numerically arranged from Ace to Ten, with each number holding an energetic resonance that echoes through the cosmos and reflects in astrology and numerology alike. Tarot numbers are more than a count; they are a key to unlocking deeper insights into our lives and the fabric of the universe.


Numerological Foundations

Numerology is the study of numbers and their influence on human affairs. Much like astrology, it offers a personalized reading of one’s potential and life path. In tarot, each number is associated with specific qualities and energies. The number One, for instance, is the number of beginnings, leadership, and initiative, embodied in the Magician card, while Two represents duality, partnership, and balance, as seen in the High Priestess. Understanding these associations allows us to translate the cards into meaningful narratives for personal growth and foresight as we move through the year 2024 and beyond.


Numbers in Daily Guidance

For those who seek tarot's wisdom for daily guidance, observing the numerological patterns in their readings can offer an additional layer of insight. In the forthcoming years, as we embrace the energies of innovation and collective awakening, numbers like Five may frequently surface, inviting us to adapt to changes, while the harmonious Six may beckon us toward balance and compassion. Keeping an eye on the prevalent numbers can help us align our actions with the universal energies and foster growth and understanding.


Lifepath Numbers and Tarot

Numerology calculates lifepath numbers by adding the digits of a person’s birth date, reducing them to a single digit, and interpreting its attributes. Similarly, tarot can reflect this personalized vibrational essence in its narrative. As we approach 2024, those with lifepath numbers that resonate with creation and expression, like the vibrant Three, may find the year particularly auspicious for launching creative ventures or engaging in artistic endeavors while tapping into the tarot for guidance and affirmation.

Looking into the future, especially from 2024 onwards, tarot numbers can be a valuable tool for forecasting personal and collective trends. Major Arcana cards like The Hermit (Nine) may signal a year of introspection and inner wisdom, guiding individuals to seek solitude to reflect on their paths. In such years, we may collectively feel drawn towards soul-searching and may embrace practices that foster self-awareness, highlighting the reflective nature of Nine.


The Cyclical Dance of Numbers

Tarot’s numerology can also reveal the cyclical patterns of our lives. The Wheel of Fortune, card Ten, suggests the completion of a cycle and the beginning of another. As we traverse from 2024 into the subsequent years, cycles of learning and growth reflected in tarot numbers will continue. Periods governed by Eight may focus on achievements and karmic lessons, while those underpinned by Four will echo with calls for stability and foundation-building.

Compatibility and Relationships

In relationships, tarot numbers can highlight compatibility and areas of potential harmony or challenge. Partners with complementary numbers, like the nurturing Two and the protective Six, may find a natural affinity in their bonds. Conversely, the dynamic independence of One might clash with the collective mindset of Eleven, adding layers of complexity. In the coming years, understand that the dance of numbers can illuminate pathways to deeper connection and understanding.

Published: 12/15/2023

Modified: 12/15/2023

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