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The Meanings Behind Tarot Cards

Delve into the rich symbolism and significance of tarot cards and their meanings across the Major and Minor Arcana.

article by Priya Deshmukh

The Tarot Deck Introduction

Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for divination and personal reflection, offering insights into complex facets of life. Central to tarot readings are 78 distinctive cards, which include the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The former consists of 22 cards representing life's karmic and spiritual lessons, while the latter is made up of 56 cards that reflect the struggles we face on a daily basis. This deep-rooted mystical system continues to captivate those seeking guidance and understanding, transcending beyond mere fortune telling into a vast landscape of psychological and spiritual symbolism.

Major Arcana: Life's Spiritual Lessons

The Major Arcana serves as the backbone of the tarot deck, each card showcasing archetypes of the human experience. They trace the journey from the innocence of The Fool, symbolizing new beginnings, to the completion represented by The World. This sequence can be seen as a metaphor for an individual’s life path or as a focal point for meditation and understanding. For example, The Magician card signifies manifestation and resourcefulness, hinting at the power within us to bring about change. As we progress to cards like The Hermit, we encounter solitude and introspection guiding us toward inner wisdom.

Minor Arcana: The Everyday Journey

In contrast to the Major Arcana's broad themes, the Minor Arcana dives into everyday matters, such as relationships, work, and personal aspirations. These cards are divided into four suits that correspond to the elements and aspects of life: Cups (emotions), Swords (thoughts), Wands (actions), and Pentacles (material world). Each suit is numbered from Ace to Ten, culminating in four Court Cards—Page, Knight, Queen, and King—that reflect different personality traits and situations. For instance, the Ace of Cups could suggest a new love or spiritual awakening, while the Ten of Swords may imply an inevitable end that paves the way for fresh starts.

Reading The Cards

A tarot reading involves a querent, a person seeking the reading, and a tarot reader who interprets the cards. The cards can be laid out in various spreads, with each position in the spread offering a different perspective on a question or situation. The interpretation of a card changes depending on juxtaposition, highlighting the dynamic nature of tarot. Readers parse the symbolic imagery, numerology, and potential implications of each card, crafting a narrative that speaks to the querent's circumstances. This nuanced approach makes each tarot session a unique and personalized exploration of the querent's life and choices.

The Ethereal Connection to Astrology

The tarot deck resonates closely with astrological principles, expanding its relevance into this realm. Many readers draw parallels between the Major Arcana and astrological signs or planets, offering richer, multi-layered readings. For instance, The Emperor is often associated with Aries, a sign known for leadership and assertiveness. Similarly, astrological occurrences in 2024 and beyond can be reflected in tarot readings. Eclipse seasons, planetary retrogrades, and other celestial events are considered auspicious times for readings, providing insights tailored to these cosmic rhythms.

A Living Tradition

It's important to remember that tarot interpretation is a living tradition, continually evolving as readers bring new insights and contexts to the practice. While traditional meanings provide a foundation, contemporary issues and personal experiences may alter a card's significance. As we move through the decades, tarot adapts to the collective consciousness, proving its timeless relevance. Whether viewed through a spiritual, psychological, or practical lens, tarot cards embody a mirror of the soul, reflecting our deepest yearnings and truths.

Published: 12/15/2023

Modified: 12/15/2023

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